09 September 2007

a wild goose walk

All right. My dissertation project's done! And ready for beta-testing of sorts.

What it is:
A State is an audio podcast tour of about a half-mile stretch of State Street, the tracks corresponding to 22 brass plaques set into the sidewalk by the city in 1996. The plaques, along with several informational kiosks, were originally meant as part of a "self-guided walking tour" of State Street landmark buildings. I've created audio for each stop that sometimes complements and sometimes (err, mostly) contradicts the original tour's intentions. The tour takes you from 190 North State (the ABC Building) to 400 South State (the Harold Washington Library).

How to participate:
1) Go to http://web.mac.com/rclaff and click "Subscribe" to download the podcast tracks of the tour into iTunes. I don't know how the magic works on a PC but if you're having trouble, feel free to contact me and I'll try to send you the audio files or give you a CD.

2) On the left-hand side of the webpage, download a PDF of the accompanying map (NOTE: it's designed to print legal-size). You can also download the map from here.

3) Take the tour! It's designed to be taken whenever you wish, and it lasts about 70 minutes in all (15 minutes of walking and about 55 minutes of audio).

Also, I'd be forever greatful if you'd leave me some feedback on the podcast page, or here. Thanks!